
Bref by Mxphal 

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From his real name Alpha Momat Vainqueur, Mxphal is a Congolese author, singer, composer, and photographer. Mxphal ’s Bref” is a fresh track with mellow energy, high passion, and a unique sense of character. The vibe set by the music is easy going and the music is rhythmically addictive from the start.

Structurally the track isn’t an obvious one to follow. The music works, the evolution occurs throughout and it makes sense, however unpredictable it may be. The soundscape furthers this unique angle and takes over the latter half of the song superbly, as opposed to merely stepping into the spotlight for the sake of variation. The instrument, whether organically performed or otherwise, is given a freestyle presentation of sorts, a solo even, that lingers longer than expected and redirects the mood of the song just slightly as things move away from the power of that vocal melody.

The track in its entirety seems to be soaked in a dreamlike layer of reverb, which in a way furthers the effect of the easygoing vibe – there’s nothing jarring or loud about the music. Furthermore, the vocal performances featured throughout are flawless – always stylish and creative in their delivery of melody and lyricism. The structure of the track draws focus to the alternating voices in a really effective way. The leading riff is fairly minimalist, but it works – it immediately wins your attention and affection, and it also becomes familiar and comforting in an instant.

The leading vocal melody being so drenched in reverb makes the lyrics something of a distant flicker of poetry and emotion – it’s actually an intriguing effect, you can pick up the lyrics, and the energy ties in well with classic gospel and rap, though there’s a definite sense of personality to the words throughout, and this gives audiences something to really relate to.

The rap vocal that comes in, later on, adds a new sense of character, a deeper tone, a little more attitude, and alternate passion in the delivery – the vocal flow here is superb, the performance is fresh and fits in perfectly with the somewhat experimental, stop-start nature of the beat. All performances throughout are in fact on point, carrying the essence of the track confidently and fitting in well with the general ambiance. The overall effect is that the track is quite hypnotic, addictive even – hopefully, there’s plenty more to come.

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