
Hen by Brian Kirchner

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Relighting the organic fire of open and honest music, Brian Kirchner’s song “Hen” has been presented in a bright and memorably melodic way with great art. Everything from the rhythm and instrumentation, to the leading artist’s presentation, makes this a deeply authentic piece of work and performance. Brian Kirchner is a composer, pianist, playwright and teacher from Brooklyn, New York. A graduate of Muhlenberg College and the Community Conservatory of Music, Brian composed several works for film, theater, art, and dance installations throughout the city. 

The instrumentation on this piece has a certain sense of color and character to it that really makes it stand out. This is not in an overly shouty or attention grabbing manner, but in the simple, creative details that make it what it is. The simplicity of the melody also works in favor of this. The vibe of the track offers up a string of widely accessible, comforting ideas, and though there is a clear connection between the leading performers, the connection between them and the audience is one that would likely shine well in a live setting. 

Musically speaking the song progresses in the way that any effective and heartwarming way with the amazing video. The verses are notably gentle and smooth, leading up towards what is a surprisingly striking and powerful hook section. The chorus explodes into life, the instrumentation multiples, the music rises distinctly in passion and volume – again staying true to the unfolding story-line and the underlying sentiment. The song is well presented, beautifully performed, and produced to a crisp, professional, and satisfying level.

The further you get into it, the more the passion builds – the soundscape and the leading art rise up hand in hand, and when the drop hits, the darker, more industrial side of instrumental music smashes into action, sharpening up those edges of the song even more so, and sealing the deal with regard to this being a solid and warming hit for turntables throughout the coming months.

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